1994 Master of Fine Arts, Mixed Media, Otis Parsons College of Arts and Design, Los Angeles CA
1988 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Sculpture, University of California, Santa Cruz CA
1987 Painting, Studio Arts Center International, Florence Italy


2023 Illges Gallery Columbus State University GA
2022 JCostello Gallery, Hilton Head, SC
2018 Joseph Bellows Gallery, “Seeing Through Water, Seeing Through Weather”. San Diego, CA
2014 Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Sea of Cortez, San Diego, CA
2014 Joseph Bellows Gallery, Sea of Cortez, San Diego, CA
2011 Joseph Bellows Gallery, Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show, San Diego CA
2008 Joseph Bellows Gallery, Dana Montlack, San Diego, CA
2007 Taylor Library, Dana Montlack; Recent Works, San Diego CA


2019 New York Hall of Science, “Weather the Weather” a SciArt Initiative exhibition
2019 Burning Man, “Ocean Tunnel”, Traveling Exhibition
2018 Swan Coach House Gallery, “Little Things”, Atlanta GA
2018 Burning Man, “Ocean Tunnel”, Traveling Exhibition
2018 La Jolla Historical society, “La Jolla Canyons: Place, Diversity, Connections
2017 Aquarium of The Pacific, Weather on Steroids, San Diego, CA
2017 La Jolla Historical Society, “Weather on Steroids”, San Diego CA
2017 San Diego Library, “Weather on Steroids”, San Diego CA
2015 Center for Fine Art Photography, “H20/Water” Fort Collins CO
2015 Helmuth Projects, Group Exhibit, “Nasty Women Art Exhibition”, San Diego CA
2015 Angela King Gallery, Group Exhibit, “Nasty Women NOLA”, New Orleans LA
2014 The Goat Farm Arts Center, Group Exhibit, “The Hoochie- Art of Nature”, Atlanta GA
2008 Sylvia White Gallery, Group Exhibit, Los Angeles CA
2008 Naomi Silva Gallery, Group Exhibit, Atlanta GA
2004 San Diego Central Library, “Six Digital Contemporary Artists”, San Diego CA
2003 Sushi Performance & Visual Art, San Diego CA
2002 Pales Verdes Art Center, Rancho Pales Verdes CA
2002 Center for Contemporary Art in Sacramento, "Digital Visions", Sacramento CA
2002 Lewis - Clark Center for Arts and History, "In Focus", Lewiston ID
2002 Brea Civic & Cultural Center, "Made in California" Juried by Scott Ward, Director of Armory Center, Pasadena CA


2011-2014 Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
2011-2014 Scripps Institution of Oceanography


2022-2023 Georgia Sea Grant NOAA
2022-2023 Joel Kotska, Georgia Tech University, Dept. of Microbial Ecology
2022-2033 “SAW” Science Art Wonder with Georgia Tech University and Emory University
2019-Present Water Cycle Children’s Book with David Lavers, European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast & Alexander Gershunov, Research Meteorologist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 2017-2018 Ocean Tunnel Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada
2015-2017 Weather on Steroids Scripps Institution of Oceanography
2011-2014 Scripps Institution of Oceanography


2022 Georgia Sea Grant
2019 Finalist - Public Art Commission, Georgina Cole Library CA
2018 Finalist - Public Art Commission Florida State University, FL
2002 Judges award, Lewis Clark Center “In Focus” Photography Exhibit
2000 21st Century Award for Achievement, International Biographical Centre Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century—International Biographical Centre California Council for the Arts and Humanities
1998 California Council for the Arts and Humanities
1996 Honorarium, San Bernardino County Museum


2022-Present Georgia State University, Atlanta GA, Water based painting, Drawing as Research, Directed Studies
2019-Present Underwood University, Atlanta GA, Modern Art History Art Appreciation, Abstract Painting, Aqueous Media, Color Theory, Seminar in Contemporary Studies, Photography, Drawing Media
2004-2019 Montlack Studio, Portfolio Development IB Art & Art History, College and High School Curriculum development, Monoprint workshops, Mixed media collage workshops, Photo-collage workshops
2000-2002 Fashion Institute of Art and Design, San Diego CA
2000-2003 Cuyamaca College, San Diego CA
1997-2004 National University, San Diego CA
1998-1998 California Arts Project, San Diego CA
1993-1994 Otis Parsons School of Arts and Design, Los Angeles CA
1998-1999 Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego CA


Arts Curriculum Director National University1997-2004 Co-Created and developed the Post Graduate Certification in Art Therapy National University Lead 329 created, developed, implemented an Online World Art History Online course California Arts Project, San Diego CA This course was devolved for teachers who are teaching art in the k-12 system “Visual Environments for Visual Education” Program, a non-profit arts organization focusing on youth at risk. Windows Charter School, San Diego, California- lead art curriculum and educator director Underwood University- Developed and taught Seminar in Contemporary Art History, Mixed Media Collage


2023 University of Georgia, Art and Ecology. Oct. 23, 2023
2023 Illges Gallery Columbus State University, GA Sept 2023
2021 VoyageAtl Online Interview
2019 AJCAST - Podcast Interview by Marthame Sanders Scripps Aquarium Panelist Weather on Steroids - The Art of Climate Change Science


2023 University of Georgia, Art and Ecology
2023 Illges Gallery Columbus State University, GA


The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, Saint Augustine, FL
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA
Scripps Memorial Hospital, San Diego, CA
Atlantis The Palm, Dubai, UAE
Orlando World Center, Orlando, FL
Merck Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA
San Diego Cancer Center, San Diego, CA
Emory Crawford Long Hospital, Atlanta, GA
Medigene Inc., San Diego, CA
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, GA
Nine-Ten Restaurant, San Diego, CA
Torrey Reserve-American Assests Trust, Del Mar, CA
ResMed, San Diego, CA
Mirage Tower, Las Vegas, NV
Hotel 1000, Seattle, WA
City of San Diego Library, San Diego, CA
Marriott Timber Lodge, South Lake Tahoe, CA
Hilton Convention Center. Houston, TX
Garden Fresh Corporations, San Diego, CA
World Travel Inc., Mexico Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, Law Offices, San Diego, CA
City National Bank, Manhattan Beach, CA
Nokia, San Diego, CA


Asylum: A personal, historical, natural inquiry in 103 lyric sections, by Jill Bialosky, 2020
Selections From ResMed’s San Diego Art Collection, ResMed, San Diego, CA 2018
The Artist Portrait Project, She Writes Press, San Diego, CA 2018
American Athenaeum, A Museum of Words, A Sword & Saga Press Publication, Charleston, SC 2013
The Bagua Book, Paper Brain Press, San Diego, CA 1999
Text, Paper Brain Press, San Diego, CA 1999
Suite Mary, Paper BrainPress, San Diego, CA 1999


1996-1997 Curator/Co-director, 3770 Park Blvd. Gallery, San Diego, CA


Art Table Leadership
College Art Association
Science-Art Collaborations


Joseph Bellows Gallery San Diego CA